Review of "Circadian Preference Modulates the Neural Substrate of Conflict Processing across the Day"
Image from; /cc67/healthypetnut/sleep-1.jpg Are you a morning lark, or a night owl? This could impact your cognitive and neural performance. This study by Schmidt et al., is an extension of work by the same group first published in Science in 2009. So, first to briefly review the original Science paper; the authors, tested people who were morning and evening types (according to chronotype questionnaires, melatonin levels and polysomnography) at optimal and non-optimal times (i.e. synchronous and asynchronous times relative to chronotype). They found that fast responses on a psychomotor vigilance task, (indicating greater vigilance) was associated with more BOLD activity at synchrony. The effects were observed in Locus Coeruleus and anterior hypothalamus (the location of the suprachiasmatic nucleus or "master clock" of the body), and provided initial evidence for observable time of day effects measured with f...